
Scottish Greens call for peak rail fares to be permanently scrapped all across the UK

Scottish Greens made the call to scrap peak rail fares whilst on a visit to Livingston

A vote for the Scottish Greens is a vote to remove all peak rail fares and switch to off peak all day across the UK, says the party’s co-leader, Patrick Harvie. The Scottish Greens want simple, affordable fares across the UK on a publicly owned rail network.
Mr Harvie has called for the game changing scheme that has seen peak rail fares removed in Scotland to be replicated by the UK Government to support people who are forced to pay a premium for travelling on some cross-border services.
The ground-breaking Scottish pilot began in October 2023 and has been extended until September 2024. It was secured by the Scottish Greens during their time in government, with the party joining trade unions in calling for the change to be made permanent.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

“The removal of peak rail fares has been a huge boost for hundreds of thousands of commuters throughout Scotland. It has helped to tackle the cost of living crisis and encouraged car users to think again about rail.
“We don't want to see those benefits limited to people travelling within Scotland. We want them to be rolled out all across the UK, with simple, affordable fares delivered on a publicly owned rail network.
“It seems perverse that someone commuting between two stations anywhere in Scotland is paying a reduced rate, while someone travelling to somewhere south of the border is often being forced to pay a premium.
“Peak rail fares are an unfair and outdated tax on the many workers and students who simply do not have any choice about when they start work or go to study.
“That is why the Scottish Greens worked to secure the pilot scheme to remove fares on ScotRail services, and why we want to see it extended for commuters travelling all across the UK.
“Cheaper, greener railways can and must be at the heart of our plans for tackling the climate crisis and supporting workers and families. Transport shouldn’t cost the Earth, and we need to be investing in trains, buses and active travel if we are to get people out of cars.
“The next UK government can learn from what we are doing in Scotland, where bus travel for young people is free and where we have trialled the removal of peak rail fares and overseen a huge increase in investment for walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure.
“The Scottish Greens have shown the impact we can have within the limited powers of devolution. With Scottish Green voices in Westminster we could do even more to drive climate action and secure a fairer, greener and sustainable future.”

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