
Scottish Greens secure record results across Scotland

It has been a record general election result for the Scottish Greens.

With record results across the country, it has been a successful general election for the Scottish Greens and a big step towards securing record numbers of MSPs in 2026 and councillors in 2027. 

The party has significantly grown its vote across Scotland after a campaign that saw them stand a record 44 candidates.

This comes alongside a record UK-wide Green result and four Green MPs being elected to Westminster for England.

Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “Thank you to everyone who voted for the Scottish Greens. Every Green vote has sent a powerful message, demanding real action for people and planet and supporting Scotland’s right to choose its own future.

“These results are an important springboard for the Scottish Greens and show that we are well on track for big gains as we approach the next Scottish election in 2026 and the local elections in 2027.

“We have established our party as the third political force in Glasgow and have broken new ground across the country. 

“There have also been fantastic results for Green candidates in England, and I am certain that the four new Green MPs will be outstanding advocates for the transformative politics that we urgently need. 

“Like so many people in Scotland, I am delighted to see the Tories out of office. The scale of Labour’s victory shows the clear desire to close the door on 14 years of cruel, incompetent and climate wrecking Tory governments.

“Simply not being Rishi Sunak is not enough though. It’s not just a change in Prime Minister that we need, it is a change in politics.

“The Labour Party talked a lot about change, but their manifesto was one of the least ambitious in living memory. They have offered very little for our climate and nothing that will truly tackle the vast inequality that has been allowed to grow so much in our society. 

“Scotland cannot afford five more years of tepid status quo politics, and nor can our planet. We need bold policies that live up to the scale of the crisis our climate faces.

“The Scottish Greens stood on a platform of action to tackle poverty and the climate emergency, with a £28 billion green investment plan funded by taxes on the super rich and the big polluters. These are the kinds of ambitious changes that are badly needed.

“Scottish Green voices have never been so vital. We will build on this positive result and continue to fight for people and planet.”

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