
Vote like our future depends on it

A vote for the Scottish Greens is a vote for people and planet.

The Scottish Greens are calling for the people of Scotland to vote like our future depends on it by voting Green in today’s general election.

With bold plans for a £28 billion a year green new deal, funded by wealth taxes on polluters and the super rich, the party is putting people and planet at the heart of its vision for Scotland.

Scottish Green Co-leader, Patrick Harvie, said: “We are asking the people of Scotland to vote like our future depends on it, because it really does. That is what is on the line today. 

“The next five years will be critical for our climate, our nature and our planet. Getting rid of the Tories is crucial, but we don’t just need a change in government, we need a change in politics.

“By voting for the Scottish Greens, the people of Scotland can vote for real change and send shockwaves through Westminster. 

“We can have an economy that works for people and our environment. We can put dignity and wellbeing at the heart of our politics. We can make the shift to 100% renewables and move on from the era of fossil fuels. The first step is voting for it. 

“Even a small number of Green voices can make a huge difference. We have shown that in the Scottish Parliament, where Scottish Green MSPs have secured free bus travel for young people, the removal of peak rail fares and record investment in wildlife, nature and renewables.

“That is the kind of change that only comes from voting for the Scottish Greens, and the kind of change that we want to take right into the heart of Westminster.”

Mr Harvie added: “This should have been the climate election, when we all recognised the scale of the crisis we face and set out plans to protect our planet. Instead, the other parties have ripped up their environmental commitments and argued among themselves about how many oil fields they can give the greenlight to. 

“If we are to have any hope of protecting our future then we need to be much better than that. Whoever forms the next government must listen to the science and take the action that is needed.

“I hope that as many people as possible across Scotland will vote like our future depends on it by voting for the Scottish Greens and for our vision of a fairer, greener and independent Scotland in Europe.”

More in 2024 Westminster Election