
East Lothian Greens launch 2022 Council Election Manifesto

The Scottish Greens have pledged to secure a just and fair transition to a zero-carbon economy in their manifesto for East Lothian.

The manifesto, which was developed following more than 200 public suggestions and policy working groups involving more than 50 people, sets out a full range of policies to transform the county.

If elected, Green councillors have pledged to bring forward East Lothian’s carbon neutral targets to 2035, prioritise the responsible installation of renewable energy across the county, and work proactively to secure jobs and training in East Lothian as part of this significant growth industry.

Among the specific measures, the Greens have committed to:

  • Boost local food producers through a ‘local heroes’ certification scheme.
  • Back cargo bike and “beach bus” services in a shake-up of county transport.
  • Develop more community allotments and ban developers from cutting down mature trees and hedges.
  • Back rent controls and ensure any new housing developments genuinely meet the needs of residents.
  • Rejuvenate town high streets, supporting community projects and delivering more space for walking, wheelchairs, buggies / prams and cycling.
  • Lobby for the divestment of the Lothian Pension Fund from fossil fuels.

Mark James, Scottish Greens candidate for Dunbar & East Linton, commented:

East Lothian has the potential to be a leader in climate and environment policy – while keeping equality and social justice at the heart of what we do. But, sadly the county is not fulfilling its potential.

In the council elections, everyone in East Lothian can think global and act local.

Voting Scottish Greens 1 will help ensure East Lothian can step up and fulfil its potential.

Across the county, specific campaigns have also been given a boost by the Greens.

Funding for the Drem-Gullane path will be secured and more accessible access to East Lothian’s amazing tourist destinations will be delivered via a plan to make the county an eco-tourism leader.

The proposed Cockenzie 360 Centre will be given full Council backing to provide young people with training, learning and jobs for the future and ensure East Lothian is the heartland of Scotland’s Green Industrial Revolution.

The manifesto also pledges to pause the controversial Musselburgh Flood Wall Scheme until better modelling has taken place, the impact of the proposed wall on other areas of the county are understood and nature-based solutions across the whole Esk eco-system have been included.

Shona McIntosh, candidate for Musselburgh, commented:

We are not against the need for better flood protection and the Council’s number one priority must be to keep our people and our beautiful county safe. However, building a Flood Wall like the one in Hawick is not the answer to the problem. What the Council propose is the wrong scheme in the wrong place and Green councillors will oppose it.

Under their plans for health and social care, Green councillors will push for the Edington hospital to be re-opened and for better working conditions for social care staff.

Jacq Cottrell, Scottish Greens candidate for North Berwick Coastal:

The recent situation which saw the closure of the Edington Hospital can be avoided if local communities are genuinely involved in local decision-making and empowered to influence outcomes.

Only the Scottish Green Party is committed to involving community councils in local decision-making wherever possible, including representation within the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership.

For the first time, the Scottish Greens will be fielding candidates in all East Lothian Council wards:

Dunbar & East Linton: Mark James

Musselburgh: Shona McIntosh

North Berwick Coastal: Jacq Cottrell

Preston, Seton & Gosford: Tim Porteus

Haddington & Lammermuir: Jackie Swailes

Tranent, Wallyford & Macmerry: Marnie Stirling

Read the full manifesto online: