
Scottish Greens call for STV to end leader debate snub

The Scottish Greens should be invited to STV's debate.

Even with hours to go, STV can still do the right thing and invite the Scottish Greens to join tonight’s leaders debate, says the party’s co-chair, Ross Greer MSP.

Last week the party wrote to STV’s CEO Simon Pitts to challenge the decision not to include the Scottish Greens, but STV has refused to change the line-up.

Mr Greer said: “On so many issues tonight, STV viewers will only get half the story. When it comes to how we protect our climate, create jobs in the green economy or eradicate child poverty, the Scottish Greens have a positive and unique vision which many people share but which they will not get the chance to hear.

“This will be the most consequential election for a generation. Scotland deserves so much better than a choice between the Tories’ unique blend of incompetence and cruelty and a Labour party falling over itself to change nothing after 14 years of this disastrous government. The good news is that in the vast majority of constituencies across Scotland, voters can choose the positive vision on offer from the Scottish Greens.

“Even at this late hour, STV can do the right thing and invite our co-leaders. The Scottish Greens have been a permanent presence in Scottish politics for 25 years, including recently as a party delivering big changes in government, like abolishing peak time rail fares and lifting a hundred thousand children out of poverty. We should be allowed to defend that record and share our bold, progressive vision with the people of Scotland.”

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