
Own currency fundamental to independent Scotland

Patrick Harvie MSP, Finance and Economy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today welcomed comments by internationally renowned economist Professor Joseph Stiglitz, who urged Scotland to consider its own currency if independent. 

Patrick Harvie MSP said: 

"Professor Stiglitz is right to highlight the dangers of sharing the pound and the benefits of an independent currency, just as the Scottish Greens argued during the 2014 referendum. If we want the maximum economic control to run a fairer economy then having our own currency must be a fundamental aim. 

"After the No vote Greens pledged to continue building the case for independence, but we’re clear that it must be a stronger case than was offered last time, especially on the currency question. Given the uncertainty we now face from a Brexit process Scotland didn’t vote for, it may be that independence is the best option for keeping Scotland in Europe. It's therefore essential that we continue to lay the ground work for a Scottish currency."


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