An independent Scotland can have positive and progressive vision for migration

The Scottish Greens co-leader Lorna Slater has welcomed the publication of the Scottish Government’s Migration to Scotland after Independence paper, which lays out how an independent Scotland could use migration powers to boost the economy and public services.
Ms Slater said:
“With the powers of a normal independent country, Scotland can build a positive, progressive and outward looking migration system that embraces our diversity and celebrates people rather than demonising them.
"This paper is a big step forward in laying our a vision of an independent Scotland that would offer fantastic opportunities while extending a helping and welcoming hand to people in need and opening ourselves to the world around us.
“In Scotland we face a falling and ageing population. There are huge and clear social and economic benefits that come from immigration, not least for the many rural communities across Scotland who desperately need to boost their working age populations.
“One of the most shameful legacies of this Tory government will be the harsh, hostile and racist anti-migrant policies they have implemented and the disastrous Brexit that has stretched our public services and curbed all of our rights to live, travel and study across Europe. Independence would allow us to do much better.”