Scotland’s multi-billion sustainable jobs boost shows confidence in green economy
Greens skills must be at the heart of our climate recovery. -
Scottish Greens hail new funding for world leading tidal energy site in Orkney
The future of energy in Scotland is renewable and our seas hold the key to its expansion. -
We need action not words at COP28, warn Scottish Greens
We can't let climate chaos become the new normal. -
Heat in Buildings proposals a ‘game changer’ for households and climate
By transforming the way we heat our homes we can deliver a better future for people and planet. -
At a glance: Greener, warmer homes for Scotland
Everything you need to know about heat pumps, saving energy and getting grants -
Private tenants in Scotland must not pay the price of UK Government climate u-turns
Climate climbdown will hammer households and families with higher bills. -
Claims COP28 hosts using summit to broker oil and gas deals must be investigated
COP28 must take serious climate action. -
Beware 'axis of whataboutery' on climate, warn Scottish Greens
All parties must work together to prioritise our climate. -
Gillian Mackay calls for urgent jobs summit over Grangemouth
Workers at Grangemouth need answers and stability