
Power in Your Hands: 4 Ways Green councillors have worked for their communities since 2012

In 2012 you helped us to elect Greens to local councils in Aberdeenshire, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Midlothian and Stirling.

Here are just some of their successes and ways they have put power in the hands of the people and communities they serve across the country:

1. Protecting services

Green councillors have campaigned vigorously against the privatisation of environmental services in the City of Edinburgh and the privatisation of IT services in Glasgow.

Ian Baxter, Green councillor for Midlothian has achieved agreement in Midlothian council to explore developing a council-owned energy supply company to raise revenue.

In Glasgow, Green councillors introduced the city’s first ever governance and asset management policy for the Common Good Fund’s assets and future budgets.

Our Green councillor for Stirling, Mark Ruskell, successfully committed the council to supporting the UNISON Ethical Care Charter.


2. Connecting communities

Our Green councillor in Midlothian has ensured that all new housing development proposals include requirements for superfast broadband to be made available as standard.

Green councillors in Glasgow campaigned to retain the Buchanan Gallery steps as an important public meeting space within the city centre and supported the development and planning of an artist community workspace in the Woodlands area.

Green councillor for Stirling, Mark Ruskell worked with local businesses in Dunblane to successfully oppose an out-of-town supermarket.

In Aberdeenshire, our Green councillor Martin Forde worked to secure council support for the re-opening of the Dyce to Ellon railway as part of the Aberdeen City Region Deal.


3. Creating homes

Green councillors in Edinburgh have worked with community groups in Craighouse, Burdiehouse and Astley Ainsley Hospital to protect precious green space, greenbelt land and access rights.

In Glasgow, Green councillor for Canal, Kieran Wild worked alongside community groups in an eight-year battle to save the North Kelvin Meadow-Children’s Wood from redevelopment into luxury apartments following work by the community which made the abandoned site desirable to developers.


4. Revitalising local democracy

When former Green councillor for Leith Walk, Maggie Chapman, introduced ‘Leith Decides’ to allow residents to have a say in how money would be spent in their local community, participatory budgeting was an alien concept which has gone from strength to strength in councils across Scotland.

Green councillors ensured the financial backing needed in Glasgow to produce websites for local community councils and introduce public information portals in local libraries, giving residents easier access to news, advice and essential information was made a priority.