Pride: Scottish Greens will always stand for equality
Equality is at the heart of our vision for Scotland. -
Next UK government must lift undemocratic gender reform veto
Trans rights are human rights. -
Scottish Greens call for fairer, compassionate Scotland
The Scottish Greens would end 14 years of austerity and attacks on refugees. -
Voters can bring an end to Tory war on minority communities
The Tories are stoking prejudice because they have nothing else. -
Scotland needs a real new deal for workers
Worker's rights are at the heart of our vision for Scotland. -
Human rights and Scottish democracy are not safe with Westminster
The Tories are dismantling trans rights and devolution. -
Conversion practices have no place in Scotland
Maggie Chapman MSP calls on the Scottish Government to ban conversion practices -
Scottish Government must not retreat on equality
Patrick Harvie MSP urges the new First Minister not to backtrack on LGBTQ+ rights and equality.