
Scottish Labour MSPs who backed grubby Tory attack should be ashamed

The Tories have failed in their shameful attempts to remove Lorna Slater.

Every Scottish Labour MSP who sided with the Tory Party’s dishonest attack on Circular Economy Minister Lorna Slater should be ashamed, say the Scottish Greens.

And it makes clear to voters that the Labour party will always put Westminster ahead of the people of Scotland, helping the Tories in their desperate attempts to distract from the fate of disgraced former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Scottish Greens constitutional spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said:

“For Labour to line up with the most dishonest Tory Party in living memory is beyond shameful, it is pitiful. 

“They are behaving less like the people’s party and more like a terrible backup act to the Conservatives, an image familiar to those who remember their joined-at-the-hip campaigning in 2014.

“Every Labour MSP who backed this grubby vote should be ashamed and embarrassed.

“This wasn’t just a vote on Lorna Slater. It was a vote on the rights of the Scottish Parliament and on the fairer, greener country we are trying to build. In that vote, they chose to side with the Tories and Westminster instead.

“I am proud of the role that Lorna Slater is playing in government. She’s not just talking about change, she is at the heart of delivering it. I am delighted that Lorna will continue to drive that change from government for years to come.”

Mr Greer added:

“This vote was the kind pathetic and transparent political stunt that we have come to expect from a cruel and incompetent Tory Party terrified of a progressive woman delivering the kind of bold change Scotland needs.

“With Scottish Greens in government we have delivered free bus travel for everyone under 22, a rent cap and eviction protections for tenants, record funding for nature restoration and so much more.

“Lorna Slater was pivotal to the partnership that brought the Scottish Greens and SNP together in government, so it is no wonder that the anti-democratic and climate wrecking Tories are trying to stop her.

“They failed, they will continue to fail. The Tories have nothing to offer Scotland, let alone the rest of the UK. The disappointment is Labour, who yet again sided with their Westminster chums rather than Scotland and its environment.”

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