Wed 15 Nov, 2017

I'll continue to work to help improve  our community whether I'm elected as South Lanarkshire's first Green Councillor on the 23rd November or as a member of the public. Brian Finlay

Scottish Green Party Co-convenor and Rutherglen Reformer columnist Patrick Harvie MSP visited Rutherglen this week.

Mr Harvie represents the Glasgow region, which includes Rutherglen & Cambuslang to Chair a public meeting on "How Can We Make Rutherglen Better?". Joining him on the panel was Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament Amy Lee Fraioli who has been MSYP for Rutherglen since 2015 and local activist Brian Finlay who is also the Green candidate for the upcoming Rutherglen North & Central Council By-election. 

Over thirty people attended the meeting in Burgh Primary School overcoming the bitterly cold evening and the distraction of the Scotland vs Netherlands football match on TV.  Amy Lee Fraioli MSYP highlighted transport links and lack of recreational facilities as a particular concern for young people in the area.  Local Green activist Brian Finlay said "It was great to see so many people come along and contribute to a discussion about how we can help improve  our community , I'll continue to work to do that whether I'm elected as South Lanarkshire's first Green Councillor on the 23rd November or as a member of the public."

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