Child poverty is expected to rise to 37% by 2022 but local action can play a huge part in tackling this issue, so lets come together on the 6th of September and revers this trend.Kirsten Robb & Iain Hughes
June saw the South Lanarkshire Greens host a very interesting event with Darren McGarvey and Twimukye Mushaka discussing the causes and effects of child poverty.
Read about it here-
To keep the momentum moving forward on this very important topic, we are having a planning session on Thursday 6th September, 7:30pm in the Lounge in the Righead United Reform Church, Carnegie Hill, East Kilbride.
Everyone is invited and we would love to see a busy room to develop positive action together… for the short and long term to address our child poverty locally. This event will have two main items on the agenda.
1. Challenge Poverty Week. This is the first week in October and it would be good if we could organise an event or campaign for this week. And also highlight and address child poverty specifically in East Kilbride.
2. Longer term planning. To identify particular aspects of the causes and effects of child poverty in East Kilbride. And how over the next few years we can campaign together to target these and offer genuine help.
If you can come along, drop Kirsten an email so we can plan for the event. If you have any ideas at all that would help but are unable to attend, please email and we can share them at the meeting. Thanks!