
Victims of child abuse need reassurance over inquiry

Ross Greer MSP, Education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today urged Scottish Ministers to rebuild confidence in the inquiry into historical allegations of child abuse following the departure of its chair, QC Susan O'Brien.

Ms O'Brien's resignation, amid a process which could have led to her removal in light of apparently inappropriate comments, follows the resignation of inquiry member Professor Michael Lamb who last week said there had been "repeated threats" to the independence of the inquiry.

Ross Greer MSP said:

"This inquiry is of paramount importance, and confidence in it will be severely shaken by the latest departure. Victims of child abuse have waited a long time, and need reassurance that the inquiry will get back on track.

"Having spoken with the Education Secretary about the situation, I believe we need to make urgent but careful progress in appointing new members of the inquiry. This issue has support from across the political spectrum and we owe it to survivors of abuse to make sure the inquiry is carried out."