
Storm Babet: we cannot let climate chaos become our future

Extreme weather events are becoming more common. We need climate action.

We must climate-proof our societies and take urgent climate action if we are to protect ourselves from the storms to come and ensure that the kind of terrible damage inflicted by Storm Babet does not become our new normal.

The call was made by Scottish Green MSP Maggie Chapman in response to a statement by Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs, Angela Constance on Storm Babet and its impact. Ms Chapman represents North East Scotland, which was hit hardest by last week’s storm.

Speaking after the statement, Ms Chapman said:

“Last week’s floods were devastating, with fallen trees blocking roads, flooded homes and businesses, burst river banks and overwhelmed flood defences, the evacuation of hundreds of local residents and families and, very sadly, the loss of life.

“Extreme weather events are becoming more common. We need to learn from the terrible experiences of Storm Babet and ensure that our communities are as resilient as possible to the storms that will follow.

“Important work is underway, but it is clear that the recovery will take time. We must ensure that we are doing everything we can to support residents and businesses both now and in the longer term. That means a focus on longer term mitigations and defences and climate-proofing our future.

“But mitigation alone is not enough. We must tackle the cause of the climate crisis at its source by taking the local and international climate action that is so badly needed to ensure that the climate chaos of today does not become our new normal.

“My heartfelt condolences are with the families and friends of those who lost their lives to Storm Babet. My thanks and gratitude are with everyone who was involved in the response – emergency services, council workers, charities and neighbours who worked around the clock to provide rescue, support, supplies, welfare checks and so much more.”