Statement | Deaths crossing the Channel

A statement on the deaths of five people crossing the Channel.
Scottish Greens justice spokesperson, Maggie Chapman MSP said: “This is devastating and tragic news. My thoughts are with the people who have lost their lives and with everyone who will be mourning them. This should not happen to anyone.
“Nobody who gets into a small boat and crosses dangerous waters does it by choice. They are forced to by terrible circumstances, and it is heartbreaking that so many people and families are being made to do so.
“This is the awful human cost of a brutal and inhumane system that focuses on demonising and punishing vulnerable people who are fleeing awful situations in search of safety and security.
“Only last night the UK government was celebrating the passing of its racist and disgraceful Rwanda flight plan. One wonders what kind of cold hearts they must have to pursue such a policy.
“Being shocked is not enough. Horrific deaths like this show why we need a system that offers safe routes, solidarity and support rather than the inhumanity and hostility at the heart of the Home Office.”