
Scottish Greens to oppose SNP rail fare hike

Scottish Greens introduced the removal of peak rail fares, now the SNP are bringing them back.

The decision to bring back peak rail fares will only discourage people from choosing to travel by train, says the Scottish Greens transport spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP.

Mr Ruskell was speaking in a parliamentary debate about the SNP’s decision to bring back peak rail fares, which will lead to price hikes across Scotland.

Scottish Green MSPs will vote to oppose the return of peak fares. The introduction of off peak fares all day was secured by the Scottish Greens when the party was in government, and led to a notable increase in rail use.
Speaking in the debate, Mr Ruskell said: “Public transport is a common good – it’s at the heart of everyday life – how we get to work and access learning, how we visit family and friends, and how we engage with the communities around us. It delivers tangible, positive outcomes for all.
“If the Government is serious about its commitments of cutting emissions from the 5 billion car journeys made in Scotland every year, and transforming the way people travel, we need to see radical investment into making taking the bus, tram, or train cheaper and easier than taking the car.
Mr Ruskell added:

“People take time and need certainty to make changes to their lives.
"At the end of this month, the only certainty will be that fares will dramatically increase on many rail services.

“Ticket prices for the popular Edinburgh to Glasgow route will nearly double from £14.90 to a staggering £31.40. This is a step in the wrong direction. It cannot be right that it is cheaper, easier, and simpler to choose private cars over public transport.
Focusing on the impact of bringing back fares, Mr Ruskell concluded:

“We may also see a return to overcrowding on either side of the peak fare timetable as passengers scrabble to avoid eye watering prices, leading to a poor customer experience, further fuelling frustration and decline in use of rail.
“If passenger numbers go in reverse because of this decision, ScotRail’s farebox income will plummet. Then the Cabinet Secretary will have no option but to finally scrap peak fares permanently.

More in End Peak Rail Fares