
Scottish Greens stand up for school strikes

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been challenged to stand up for young people’s right to take part in the global school climate strikes on September 20.

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions, Green Lothians MSP Andy Wightman raised reports that young people in Edinburgh had been told they may face arrest if they attempt to march along Princes Street.

“Such reports are nonsense. No young person will face such action for exercising their rights to peaceful protest.”

The First Minister agreed that young people should be encouraged to take part, and that politicians should “listen to them”.

Speaking afterwards, Wightman said: “I will be joining climate strikers next Friday and absolutely defend their right to be heard on the climate emergency. To suggest they will be arrested is nonsense, and I hope everyone is encouraged to take part.

“Our young people are drawing attention to the overwhelming scientific evidence that says we have a decade to make significant changes to our economies to keep global warming down.

“The First Minister wants to set some ambitious emissions targets, but she must also match the ambition of our Scottish Green New Deal which commits to real action to meet them. She is right to say politicians must listen to the school strikers, and I hope she will hear what they are saying.”