
Scottish Greens call for new tax rate for high earners

The wealthy must pay their fair share to ensure a better recovery.

We must be bold with tax to ensure the wealthiest are paying their fair share, say the Scottish Greens. 

The Party’s finance spokesperson, Ross Greer MSP, has called for the Scottish Government to explore a new tax rate for those earning between £75,000 and £125,000 a year.

His intervention followed the publication of the Scottish Government’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, which makes clear the emerging gap in the Scottish budget caused by inflation, rising demand for services such as social care and Westminster’s economic mismanagement.

Ross Greer said:

“The UK government’s woeful economic mismanagement and runaway inflation have had a devastating impact on public finances and the cost of living. 

“With huge cuts to our budget from Westminster our options are limited. We certainly can’t just cut services to close the gap, and nor would we want to.

“So, we need to be bold with tax policy, which is why the Scottish Greens are proposing a new tax rate for those earning between £75,000 and £125,000 a year.

“I am proud that with Scottish Greens in government we are already delivering the most progressive tax system anywhere in the UK. 

“That is how we have been able to support measures like the ground-breaking Scottish Child Payment, the expansion of the living wage for all public sector workers and free bus travel for everyone under 22.

“By ensuring the wealthiest are paying their fair share we can build a fairer recovery and do even more to support the poorest and most vulnerable and the services we all rely on.”