
Safer speed limit supported by respondents to Holyrood committee

The roll-out of a safer speed limit of 20mph in built-up areas is supported by almost two-thirds of respondents to a Holyrood committee inquiry.

Today the Rural Economy & Connectivity Committee began taking evidence on the Safer Streets bill proposed by Mark Ruskell, Scottish Green MSP for Mid Scotland & Fife.

Of the 6,585 responses to the committee's call for views, 62 per cent said they supported the safer limit with a majority of support in each of the respondent categories such as local authorities, transport operators, businesses, campaign groups, community councils and individuals.

Most agreed that the lower limit would enhance road safety and have a positive impact and most agreed that the roll-out should be accompanied by a national awareness campaign.

Mark Ruskell MSP said:

"It's encouraging that there's been such a big response to the committee. It shows that people really care about road safety. The high level of support is a reminder to MSPs of the opportunity we have to reduce injuries and prevent deaths on our streets.

"The response to the committee follows public polling showing strong support, on top of robust evidence from road safety experts, public health professionals and environmental campaigners. I look forward to giving evidence to the committee myself in the coming weeks."




Safer Streets campaign


Analysis of responses to the committee