
Ruskell welcomes decision by SNH to revoke licence at Raeshaw Estates over potential wildlife crimes

Mark Ruskell MSP, Environment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today (26 May) welcomed the decision by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to revoke a licence to control wild birds at Raeshaw Estates in the Borders following concerns about wildlife crime.

Police Scotland is investigating the potential offences.

Earlier this week, Holyrood's Environment Committee agreed to keep open a petition by the Scottish Raptor Study Group calling for the introduction of a game bird licensing scheme, and it agreed to write to Scottish Ministers asking them to explore how to implement such a scheme.

Mark Ruskell, Environment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, said:

“SNH’s revocation of the individual licenses of this estate’s employees is welcome. There is a long list of illegal trapping, shooting and poisoning cases in this part of the Borders over many years.
"It shows we need a real deterrent to protect wildlife. The licensing of game bird shoots, as recommended by Holyrood's Environment Committee this week, must become a Scottish Government priority."