
Local economies on track for a boost thanks to Local Rail Development Fund, a Green budget win

Local economies across Scotland are on track for a boost thanks to a new £2 million Local Rail Development Fund set up during the Scottish Greens' negotiations with the Scottish Government over the 2018-19 budget.

The fund is open for bids until Friday 8 June, with community groups, local councils and transport partnerships able to apply for funding to help them progress the business cases for new stations and lines.

In a briefing published today (7 May), Green MSPs highlight suggestions from campaign group Railfuture Scotland for 50 potential new stations across Scotland including Allander at Milngavie, Evanton in Easter Ross, Newburgh in Fife, and Rhu near Helensburgh.

Scottish Greens transport spokesperson John Finnie MSP said:

"By influencing the Government’s strategy for rail investment, Green MSPs are ensuring communities can be well connected while accelerating Scotland’s low-carbon transition so our infrastructure is fit for the future. Access to public transport is a social justice issue and establishing this fund shows Greens are determined to make Scotland fairer."

Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP said:

"Getting communities connected to the rail network will boost local economies and help reduce climate change emissions by providing people with an alternative to car journeys. This £2million fund is a great opportunity for community groups and we're encouraging them to get their bids in before the deadline a week on Friday."