
Home Secretary speech one of the most grotesque ever given by a UK minister

It's time to abolish the Home Office.

The UK Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, has just delivered one of the most abhorrent and grotesque speeches given by a government minister, says the Scottish Greens justice and equality spokesperson, Maggie Chapman MSP.

Ms Chapman said:

“This was one of the most grotesque and abhorrent speeches that has ever been given by a UK minister. It was reminiscent of Enoch Powell and the politics of hate.

“What the Home Secretary is calling for would punish extremely vulnerable people and undo decades of convention and work and protections that were agreed over 70 years ago.

“With the anti-refugee bill and deportation flights to Rwanda, the Tories were already building an utterly brutal, authoritarian and anti-human migration system. These proposals would make it even worse.

“We need to break from an increasingly xenophobic and extreme Tory government that is determined to strip the remaining humanity from the asylum system as part of its disgraceful culture war.

“We can have a humane and welcoming system that is based on openness and solidarity, but it won’t come from a racist and reactionary Tory government or a Home Office that should have been abolished long ago.”