
“Grotesque” Shell profits are fuelling climate chaos

We need an urgent and just transition from oil and gas to renewables.

Oil and gas company profits are fuelling the destruction of our planet, says the Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell. Mr Ruskell has called on fossil fuel giants to invest in transforming our energy supply and a just transition to renewables.

Mr Ruskell’s comments come as Shell reports quarterly profits of $6.2 billion for July-September 2023.

Mr Ruskell said:

“These grotesque and immoral profits are fuelling the destruction of our planet and burning away our future. We have all seen the awful impact of climate chaos, with horrific wildfires all over Europe and terrible flooding across Scotland.

“Things have rarely been better for oil and gas company bosses, but our environment can’t cope with their drive for endless oil and gas extraction. It is doing terrible damage here and around the world, and it will have a devastating impact for generations to come.

“We can’t argue with science, we are in a global crisis. A windfall tax full of loopholes is not enough, we need serious and urgent climate action. How much worse does the situation have to get before climate wrecking governments like the one in Downing Street take the action that is needed?

“If Shell bosses have any concern about the future of our planet then they must surely invest these astronomical profits in transforming our energy system and ensuring a fair and just transition to renewables.”

Mr Ruskell, who represents the Mid Scotland and Fife region, home to the Mossmorran processing plant, added:

“There is no time to waste. We know the problem and we know the solutions.

"Whether it is Mossmorran processing plant in Fife, which is part owned by Shell, or the oil and gas industry in Aberdeen, what we need is a transition that works for our communities and workers.

“Mossmorran alone accounts for 10% of Scotland’s climate emissions. Yet there has been a total lack of investment in its transition. With Shell reporting eye watering profits we badly need to see investment in progress rather than vast shareholder dividends.”

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