
Greens: Monarchy would ‘hold Scotland back’ after independence

The monarchy is an "outdated" and "discredited" system that would "hold back" an independent Scotland, say the Scottish Greens.

Commenting on the revelations and allegations of the last week, Patrick Harvie, the Co-leader of the Scottish Greens said:

"The revelations from the last few days, and other recent scandals, raise serious questions about the attitudes and values of the Royal Family and those around them. They also serve as a reminder that the Monarchy itself is an outdated, discredited and totally undemocratic institution."

"As we look to the future that Scotland can have as a fairer, greener and independent country, it is clear that asking the people to choose a modern, democratically accountable head of state would be the best step forward. The idea that any family has the right to such status based on hereditary titles and unearned wealth would hold Scotland back, and it’s not one that the Scottish Greens will ever support.”

“Their shooting and hunting estates can be put to better use serving the local communities and creating more jobs.”

“The Scotland that we want to build is one that will challenge entrenched inequality and privilege, not put it right at the heart of power."