
Green MSP questions dip in students passing new Higher exams

A slight dip in the number of students who passed this year’s new higher exams, including English, illustrates the “importance of reducing teacher workload” says the Scottish Greens’ education spokesperson.

West of Scotland MSP, Ross Greer offered his congratulations to pupils throughout Scotland and has also asked the Scottish Government to outline how it intends to see pass marks rise next year.

Ross Greer MSP, the Scottish Greens’ education and skills spokesperson, said:

“Congratulations to the pupils throughout Scotland who have received exam results today and to the record number of pupils who will now be going on to study at university. Not all of those students will be happy with their grades, so it’s important to remember that yes, exams are important but they only form one part of what will give young people the life skills to do well in further or higher education, work and wider society. Any pupil needing help on what to do next should call the hotline on 0808 100 8000.”

Greer added:

“Nationally, the results show a slight dip in the number of students who passed the Higher English exam compared to last year. I’d expect the Scottish Government to look into this and work to ensure that pupils and teachers are given the support and resources needed to ensure next year’s results in the subject surpass rather than fall below last year’s standard.

“I will continue to stress to the cabinet secretary the importance of reducing teacher workload to ensure as much individual support is given to pupils as possible. There are also outstanding issues with serious errors in exam papers which have not yet been entirely addressed and I therefore hope that the government will not let this year’s failures go unresolved as we quite rightly celebrate the success of our young people.”