
Green MSP demands answers on RBS role in controversial US pipeline

A Green MSP has written to the boss of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) urgently seeking a meeting to discuss the bank’s involvement in the controversial Bakken pipeline project in the United States.

The plan rose to global prominence this week after Facebook users “checked in” to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in solidarity with the Native Americans who are currently defending their land and water supplies from the Dakota Access pipeline.

Several campaign websites in the US claim that RBS is one of the financiers of the project, which in addition to severe environmental implications, has come under fire for how police have responded with excessive force to Native Americans protecting their lands.

West of Scotland MSP, Ross Greer said:

“I’ve written to RBS CEO Ross McEwan to find out what financial involvement it has with the Bakken pipeline. In spite of several US websites suggesting otherwise, I really hope the answer is none.

“The reports of how the authorities are handling the protests is outrageous, with documented incidents of excessive force, unlawful arrests and mistreatment in jail. I would encourage RBS to distance itself as far as possible from the pipeline plans, should it have any role in the financing of this project.”