Wed 2 Nov, 2016

Ross Greer MSP

West Scotland
Education and Finance spokesperson

I’ve written to RBS CEO Ross McEwan to find out what financial involvement it has with the Bakken pipeline.

Dear Ross,

As I’m sure you are aware, a major dispute is underway in the US state of North Dakota. The Dakota Access Pipeline threatens the land and water supplies of Native American tribes and its construction breaks treaty agreements between the tribes and the US government.

As the tribes and their allies defend their land they have been victims of extreme force at the hands of local law enforcement, including the use of attack dogs, copious amounts of tear gas and tasers. An observer viewing footage of these incidents would likely be surprised to learn that it is not the US military they are seeing, given the deployment of heavy weaponry, snipers and armoured vehicles.

This deployment of overwhelming force is against unarmed protest camps, largely comprised of the Native American tribes whose land is at risk, land which they have stewarded for far longer than either the US or even our own nation has existed.

I have been concerned to see numerous reports that the Royal Bank of Scotland may be involved in the financing of this pipeline, though I should note that these reports have not been verified to the best of my knowledge. Given the substantial environmental risks the pipeline poses directly, and of course the contribution it would make towards the fossil fuel industry’s exacerbation of climate change, as well as the injustice being visited upon the Native American tribes whose lands are being violated, I would be keen to meet with yourself to confirm that RBS are not and will not consider involvement in the Dakota Access Pipeline.

I look forward to your response,

Ross Greer MSP - West of Scotland

Spokesperson on Europe & External Affairs

Scottish Green Party

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