
Government haven’t brought an education debate in two years

The Scottish Government haven’t brought forward an education debate in over two years, despite claims that it is the First Minister’s ‘defining mission’, according to the Scottish Greens Education Spokesperson Ross Greer MSP.

Mr Greer raised the matter at First Minister’s Questions today, asking whether there would be a debate before the end of the year, a question the First Minister failed to directly answer. This follows a similar refusal to answer from the Education Secretary during an opposition-led debate yesterday.

Ross Greer MSP said:

“It’s been over two years since John Swinney brought a debate on anything related to our schools to Parliament. We’ve had to use rare opposition debate slots to discuss this core responsibility of the government. It’s hard to believe SNP claims that education is their ‘defining mission’ when they refuse to even have us discuss it. Since the 2016 election they’ve ditched their flagship Education Bill, overseen a widening in inequality & falling Higher pass rates and refused to act on the scandal of how children with additional support needs are treated. Maybe that’s precisely why they don’t want Parliament holding them to account?”