
Gated community in Loch Tay will create a “playground for the mega rich” at the cost of the community

The proposed Loch Tay development will be bad for the community.

Kenmore’s residents need homes, not a luxury playground for the mega-rich, according to Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell. Mr Ruskell’s comments come following a public meeting held in Aberfeldy on the evening of the 27th July for people to share their concerns about overdevelopment at Loch Tay. Over 300 people attended. Local residents and neighbours are increasingly concerned about an ever-expending development project in Loch Tay, centered around Taymouth Castle. Overseas mega-property developers, US-based Discovery Land Company (DLC), are now in possession of a huge swathe of land and property on the loch – prompting serious concerns from locals about their community turning into a billionaire’s playground, as well as harmful impact on biodiversity and access. A recent planning application put in by DLC for further work, alongside disruption to the core path networks due to building work, has aggravated concerns. Mr Ruskell has met with campaigners from the Protect Loch Tay group, and reached out to DLC for an urgent meeting to discuss concerns. Mr Ruskell attended and spoke at the meeting in Aberfeldy last night Mr Ruskell said:

“Folks across Kenmore and surrounding villages are rightly concerned about the impact of this mega overdevelopment on the community. “We don’t need a luxury playground for the mega-rich on the banks of Loch Tay. We need to be investing in assets for the local community, not carving off land for fancy private clubs for millionaires. "What may have been appropriate in the 19th century is not appropriate in the 21st century. The developers are going to face a huge battle unless they can change their plans and offer legally binding agreements to protect the public interest. “Further development on this site also threatens to damage the unique biodiversity of Loch Tay, from disturbing the habitats of otters to damaging mature woodlands. “Things have gone too far. It’s time for Discovery Land Company to halt further any further planning applications, and if they won’t, for Perth and Kinross Council to finally stand up to the developers and refuse further consents. "There is no accountable masterplan for the project that has been shared with the community to be scrutinised. The plethora of planning applications have meant that it is hard to hold developers to account. Each further planning application is going to face a massive battle unless the developers can change tack and fully address concerns.”