
FMQs: Green MSP raises ScotRail voluntary redundancy issue

A Green MSP has raised concerns about the welfare and morale of staff at Scotland’s largest train operator caused by the high number of vacancies, work being undertaken by agency staff and the issuing of voluntary redundancy forms.

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions John Finnie, the party’s transport spokesperson, highlighted how ScotRail has now issued a “Voluntary Leavers’ Scheme”, the third time in the last two years Scotrail has encouraged staff to leave and despite RMT advising that the company has a significant number of vacancies.

Highlands and Islands MSP, John Finnie said:

“The RMT has advised me that this “Voluntary Leavers’ Scheme”, unveiled on Tuesday, was for the third time in two years that Scotrail has encouraged its staff to leave.

“It’s disappointing that Scotrail continues to rely on agency staff when I am advised there are currently 256 vacancies and that the salaries of those posts equates to over £6million per annum.

“I’m very concerned about what this will do for staff morale and I’d urge ministers to liaise with transport unions and ScotRail to have those vacancies filled, a resolution which means public service rather than profit drives Scotland’s railways.”