
Equity Fund doesn't cover cuts; Education concerns grow

Ross Greer MSP, Education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today challenged Scottish Ministers ahead of the launch of their Pupil Equity Fund.

Today saw the launch of an online attainment resource for teachers, with the Education Secretary claiming that a £120 million fund that will go directly to headteachers will close the attainment gap.

It comes as secondary teachers, council chief executives and parents' groups express concern at the Scottish Government's plans to change education accountability structures, and as councils face a further funding cut in this year's draft Scottish budget.
Ross Greer MSP said:

"Support for teachers is always welcome, and funding targeted for vulnerable pupils was a Green manifesto pledge but the Pupil Equity Fund isn’t ‘additional’ money when it comes to essentially the same amount to be cut from local education budgets. 

"Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture – 4,000 teachers have been cut since 2007, putting huge strain on remaining staff and cuts to Additional Support Needs are risking a lost generation.

“This week we’ve heard a growing range of voices expressing concern at the Scottish Government’s distraction of a governance review. Rather than changing structures and making education less locally-accountable, Scottish Ministers need to fully fund our councils so they can provide the staff our schools need.”


Teaching union urges against major changes (BBC)

School governance consultation 'excluded' many parents (BBC)