
Doubling council tax on second homes will benefit local services and communities

By doubling council tax on second homes we can raise vital funds for the services we all rely on.

New rules that would allow councils to charge up to double the rate of Council Tax on second & holiday homes will raise vital funds for local services and help tackle housing shortages, say the Scottish Greens. The draft regulations, published today, would be applied to homes that are not used as a primary residence.

The policy will help meet the housing commitments set out in the Bute House Agreement between the Scottish Greens and Scottish Government.

Scottish Greens finance spokesperson, Ross Greer MSP, said:

“This will be a really important tool to help tackle the inequality of huge housing shortages in the very same communities as many second and holiday homes sit empty for most of the year. It will also raise tens of millions of pounds for local services like schools and social care.

“Housing is a human right. We should all be able to access good quality and affordable homes. Yet, all across Scotland there are people being priced out of the areas they grew up in while thousands more are stuck on waiting lists. 

“With bold steps like this we will shift the balance away from second home ownership and free up more homes for those who really need them.

“This action on second homes comes on top of our work to cap private rents to protect tenants over the last year, the new system of regulation for short-term holiday lets recently introduced, and our commitment to build 110,000 affordable homes over the next 10 years.  

“Homes should be for people who most need them first.”