
Cheaper greener rail fares will help switch away from car congestion

Peak time pilot scheme will be launched across the country from next month

Scrapping peak time rail fares for cheaper, greener travel will benefit people during the cost of living crisis and at the same time help tackle climate change, says the Scottish Greens transport and environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP.

It was confirmed today that the pilot project will go ahead from Monday, October 2, in a move Mr Ruskell said could be “game-changing” in efforts to get people out of cars.

He said:

“I’m delighted that the SNP-Green Government has got this trial project over the line, because it has the potential to help thousands of people cut costs, while leaving the car at home.

“Every pound saved on a commute is money that can instead go towards heating, eating or other expenses this winter. These cheaper, greener rail fares will give many drivers a reason to ditch the hell of daily congestion and try the train instead. 

“This is a game-changing opportunity to change commuting habits. It’s a trial, so if people vote with their feet and switch back to rail by leaving the car at home, it will bring more revenue into Scotrail and make the case for permanent change.

“Free bus travel and for those aged Under 22 has boosted bus travel since it was launched by this government. 

“By helping people come back to public transport, bringing in low emission zones to the worst polluted areas, and providing safe streets to walk, wheel and cycle, we are making our communities safer, cleaner and more attractive places to live and work.

“That is the kind of change Scottish Greens in government are working to deliver. That is the kind of collaborative and progressive politics neither Labour nor the Tories seem able or willing to embrace, but we are determined to make the norm.

“Scrapping peak rail fares keeps our climate ambitions on track, it literally lets the train take the strain of the cost of living from people’s shoulders. The next six months are a real opportunity to reboot how we commute.”


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