
BUDGET: Scottish Greens secure action on climate, transport costs and child poverty

Scottish Green MSPs agree to support budget

The Scottish Greens will support the forthcoming budget, following confirmation that the Scottish Government have agreed to the party’s proposals on record climate funding, the expansion of free school meals and trialling a £2 cap on bus fares.

As a result of proposals tabled by Scottish Green negotiators, the Government’s budget will now be changed to include the roll-out of free school meals to thousands more young people and a year-long regional trial of a £2 cap on bus fares.

Other Green proposals accepted include increasing funding for nature restoration to a record £26m, more free ferry travel for young island residents, free bus travel for asylum seekers and help for first time home buyers by increasing tax on the purchase of second/holiday homes.

Scottish Greens finance spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said:

“The Scottish Greens put climate action, tackling child poverty, cheaper buses and ferries and funding for schools at the heart of our budget negotiations. We have delivered progress on all of these fronts, so our MSPs will be voting for the budget.

“No young person should be sitting in school hungry. As a result of our work, thousands more pupils in S1-S3 will now receive a free school meal. This will build on the success of expanding free school meals in primary schools, a policy delivered by the Scottish Greens a few years ago.

“Our Green MSPs have also secured a year-long regional trial where bus fares will be capped at £2, because we know the cost of public transport needs to come down. This also builds on the success of free bus travel for young people, another Scottish Green policy we made a reality.

“With climate chaos all around us, we have worked to deliver record funding for nature restoration and our environment. These Green projects are creating well-paid jobs in communities across the country, particularly in rural areas.

“From schools to libraries to social care to bin collections, our councils deliver the services we all depend on. We have worked with Scottish Green councillors to ensure that this year’s budget delivers a fair deal for local councils, including an end to the Council tax freeze.

“These changes secured by Scottish Green MSPs will lift more children out of poverty, reduce the cost of public transport, create good quality jobs, tackle the climate crisis and protect local services. That’s in stark contrast to Labour, who agreed to let the SNP’s budget pass without making any attempt to improve it. If you want action to help people and planet, voting Scottish Greens is the best way to deliver it.”

As a result of Scottish Green negotiations, this budget includes:

  • Making public transport cheaper: A year long regional trial of capping bus fares at £2 starting 1st January 2026, free bus travel for people seeking asylum and free inter-island ferry travel for young island residents
  • Action to tackle child poverty: The expansion of free school meals to thousands of S1-S3 pupils who receive the Scottish Child Payment, starting with eight councils areas in August 2025.
  • Record climate action: A record £4.9bn of funding for climate action and nature restoration.
  • Progressive taxation to support public services: Increased tax on the purchase of second or holiday homes and moving forward with proposals for a Cruise Ship Levy, the consultation for which will launch in February
  • Protecting local services: A real-term funding increase for local councils, and progress on giving councils more direct power through a consultation on devolving Parking Charge Notices (parking fines)


Letter from Shona Robinson MSP confirming Green budget requests.

Letter from Ross Greer MSP confirming Green support.