
All parties must work to ensure no delay on disposable vape ban timeline

Disposable vapes are bad for public health and our environment.

The general election must not result in any change to the timeline for a UK wide disposable vape ban, says the Scottish Greens health spokesperson Gillian Mackay.

Ms Mackay, who has led calls for a ban on the damaging and wasteful products in Scotland, has written to all party leaders across the UK calling for them to recommit to the ban and to the timeline that would see them banned from April 01 2025.

The UK government committed to the date earlier this year. However, as the Tobacco and Vapes Bill proposal did not pass through Parliament before it was dissolved for the upcoming general election, there are question marks over the timeline.

Ms Mackay said: “Disposable vapes are totally wasteful and unnecessary. There is no need for them, or for the damage they do. A lot of people are sick of seeing them discarded all over our streets and parks. A ban cannot come soon enough for our health or our communities.

“A lot of the parliamentary work and scrutiny that needed to be done has been delayed by the general election, which has put question marks over the viability of the current timeline. We can’t let such an important public health measure be delayed by this snap election.

“This is an area where there is a really strong consensus, and where almost all parties are in agreement. I hope that all leaders will commit to doing all they can to keep the 2025 timeline on track and that we deliver the ban that is so necessary.”

Reports suggest more than a million disposable vapes a week are being discarded as the environmental cost continues to grow. 

In her letter, Ms Mackay wrote: “The Bill sought to reduce the appeal and availability of vapes to protect children and young people and work decisively towards a smoke-free generation. This would include a ban on disposable vapes, which are damaging our local environments as well as public health. This legislation would undoubtedly impact smoking prevalence and ultimately reduce rates of smoking-related disease.”

Text of letter from Gillian Mackay to party leaders

Following the fall of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill at dissolution of the UK Parliament, I am calling on you to commit to progressing the Bill’s provisions as soon as possible after the General Election.     

Addressing the harms of tobacco and vaping is urgent and the most efficient way is for all parties to collaborate swiftly to reintroduce the provisions of this Bill. 

The Bill sought to reduce the appeal and availability of vapes to protect children and young people and work decisively towards a smoke-free generation. This would include a ban on disposable vapes, which are damaging our local environments as well as public health.

This legislation would undoubtedly impact smoking prevalence and ultimately reduce rates of smoking-related disease. 

This Bill’s provisions would reduce the pressures on health services across the United Kingdom and is based on compelling research and evidence. It also follows widespread consultation and input UK-wide.     

I commend the efforts put forward in the run-up of the Bill and the cross-party support it garnered during the legislative process. I note the endorsement of legislative consent motions by all devolved Parliaments.   

I remain convinced that the only effective way to move forward is a cross-party, four nations approach.

Will you commit your party to prioritise and work collaboratively on a four nations approach to reintroduce the provisions of the Bill following the General Election with a matter of urgency, and do all that you can to maintain the April 01 2025 implementation date?

More in Ban Disposable Vapes