
A message to the voters of East Kilbride

Your council services matter. This local election is a vital choice between starving them of funds, selling them off or investing in them to make all our communities better. Greens are dedicated to protecting and improving public services into the future.

East Kilbride was a pioneering town with a bright future and all six of our Scottish Green Party candidates will work hard to make sure it is again. The Green vision for EK is a place where everyone has a secure home, where there are good job opportunities, high quality public services and a pleasant environment.

East Kilbride needs councillors who will bring fresh solutions to address the major issues facing our town. More of the same will not cut it.

Our priorities:

  • Housing - EK needs private sector rent controls and major investment in social housing

  • Transport – Scrap the City Deal road expansion projects in Stewartfield and Greenhills. Develop new projects with local people to benefit the local economy, including investment in public transport, cycling and local businesses.

  • Education - Replace teachers and support staff lost to cuts

  • Local environment – Improve general maintenance, including maintaining existing roads, and work with local communities for real investment in our parks and greenspaces

Green councillors in other authorities have made real gains for their communities. Make history by giving your first preference vote to elect South Lanarkshire's first Green councillors. We will put power in communities hands to improve services and always remember that we are accountable to you.