
North Sub-Branch Update

There are ten weeks to go until the Scottish Parliament elections on Thursday 5th May, and our sub branch is more active than ever. We are out delivering leaflets in the north of the city every single Monday, and sometimes on other evenings and Saturday mornings too.

There are so many ways you can get involved, and so many dates for your diary, that I will struggle to list them all in one email, but here goes...

Action day this Saturday (27th February); From 11am til 1ish near the corner of Queen Margaret Drive and Oban Drive, we will have a street stall where we'll be gathering support for our local campaigns including on rental costs and North Kelvin Meadow, giving out campaign posters for May's election, delivering leaflets in North Kelvinside and possibly doing a spot of door to door canvassing too. Please do come along if you can. For further details, contact Alasdair on

Social leafleting; Local Greens are meeting most Monday evenings from now until the election, to deliver leaflets, with the option of a spot of conversation and a pint afterwards. Upcoming meeting places and times are:

  • Monday 29th February and Monday 7th March: Port Dundas & Hamiltonhill leafleting. Meet at 6.30pm outside Seewoo supermarket on corner of Possil Road and Saracen Street.
  • Monday 14th March: no leafleting because we have our monthly meeting (see below).
  • Monday 21st March and Monday 28th March: North Kelvinside Leafleting. Meet at 6.30pm outside Crosslands bar (182 Queen Margaret Drive)

Campaigning in your own time; If you can’t make our scheduled campaign sessions but have some other time you can help out, we can set you up with leaflet runs to deliver when you’re able. Just get in touch with Alasdair (email or phone or text 07908 782 413). 

Next meeting 14th March; We meet on the second Monday of each month at 7pm at Maryhill Community Central Halls (304 Maryhill Road, G20 7YE). The party officially launched the national campaign here in Glasgow earlier this month, so we’ll be having a look at the key messages that were unveiled that day and discussing how we feel about them, what might work best, and how we can best communicate them and make them relevant to voters in our area. We will also be planning the final push for Holyrood in April and May. The agenda for this month and the minutes for last month’s meeting will be posted on Greentalk, which is accessed by logging in to the party website.

Election day (5th May); We hope to have a friendly local Green at as many polling stations as possible across the city on election day (5th May). We will also need some local Greens to go to the count, which will happen from about 10pm onwards, to oversee the democratic process and (almost as importantly!) to support our candidates for the Scottish Parliament, at least two of whom we hope to elect to Holyrood for the next five years! Please do book the day off well in advance, if you possibly can.

Crowdfunder: To run the best campaign possible, we need funds. Unlike other parties, we don’t have any big donors we can rely on, just our members. If you have the means to do so, please donate to our Glasgow crowdfunder:

Socials and fundraising: After all that campaigning, we are always happy if someone takes the time to organise a gathering of any kind, especially one that might raise a few quid for branch coffers! If you are inclined to organise a gig, coffee morning, quiz night or anything similar, then please email us on