
Glasgow’s claims of climate leadership risk falling flat unless the Council takes urgent action to strengthen its climate plan. We need them to hear a clear message in the next few days that this is still an emergency and demands a bolder response.

In this year of COP26, when the eyes of the world will be on Glasgow, the SNP wants to talk a good game, but the harsh reality is that its current plan risks being a disjointed string of empty promises.

Scottish Greens are calling on the Council to strengthen its plans following the current consultation.

Our top asks are:

  1. One clear target - get to net zero emissions by 2030, but also get to zero as fast as possible

  2. Glasgow should lead beyond the Scottish Government’s lack of ambition

  3. A plan to deliver - identify the people, powers and cash needed

  4. All hands on deck - bring the city together to tackle the climate emergency, but make it transparent and accountable

  5. Climate justice is social justice - work with communities on projects that build on local expertise and resilience, tackle inequality and lower emissions. 

The consultation ends on Sunday 24th Jan. Please take a minute to tell them Glasgow should be leading with actions as well as words. You can read the plan, and our full response to it below, and we’ve prepared a suggested response opposite so you can just add to that and make it your own. Thank you!


Response to the consultation from the Glasgow Greens Councillors group:


Make your voice heard and strengthen Glasgow's climate emergency plan. (Please add your name at the end of the text)

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