Fri 4 Nov, 2016

Ross Greer MSP

West Scotland
Education and Finance spokesperson

I have written to the Turkish Consulate in response to the worrying arrest of Members of Parliament from the People’s Democratic Party (HDP). Please make your voice heard by emailing your own version of this to

Dear Consulate General,

I am contacting you to seek urgent clarification regarding the arrest late last night of Leyla Birlik, a Member of the Turkish Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party, HDP, alongside eleven of her colleagues, including both party leaders and as of this morning, their deputy leader.

As a sponsor and friend of Leyla I am concerned by the actions of the Turkish government and would like your reassurance that the imprisoned MPs will be released and the democratic will of those who elected them just one year ago be respected.

Recent actions by the Turkish state have caused significant concern that freedom of the press, of assembly, of speech and other freedoms are being eroded. As I’m sure you are aware, this action comes soon after the removal of democratically elected mayors, closure of several media outlets including a Kurdish children’s TV channel, the arrest and imprisonment of numerous journalists and the sacking of over fifteen thousand teachers, of whom I believe a large proportion were Kurdish. These actions have led many to believe that the Turkish government is unable to tolerate opposition or criticism of any kind and particularly from the Kurdish people.

Please pass these concerns on to your government and reassure me that Leyla and her colleagues will be released without delay.

Yours sincerely,

Ross Greer MSP

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