Tue 19 Jun, 2018

As we get past our AGM it's time to reflect on another year in the life of the NL Greens. Despite the very eventful year that it has been in terms of Brexit and local issues,  for once there wasn't an election for us to be fighting. That means there hasn't been quite as many nights of leafleting in the rain and snow, and a bit of a physical rest for some of our hard working volunteers.

So we welcome our new committee of Claire and Patrick as co-conveners, Graham as the Vice convener and Anne keeping our money right as the treasurer. We also have Kyle as our branch welfare officer. We are looking forward to starting some new activities such as getting our newsletter out through letterboxes, running stalls and door knocking to find out how Greens can help people in the local area.

There are certainly lots of issues of concern for our members and communities,  with plans to destroy huge swathes of greenbelt all over North Lanarkshire, and with so many cuts to local services whether that be buses that are meant to serve our community but don't or councils making cuts, cuts and more cuts. 

We also say a massive thank you to our departing co-convener Rosemary who was there when the branch was set up in 2015 and has led us through elections galore;  and steered us round lots of the issues faced by a new branch being set up. We don't think anybody could have done what she did with her amazing enthusiasm and encouragement staying intact and we are so glad she has agreed to take on a background role, and continue to support the new commitee through the coming year.

So we look forward to the year ahead, with the local issues we know about but the Scottish and UK political picture a bit up in the air. We will definitely be needing an enthusiastic bunch of North Lanarkshire greens to make a difference.

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