Sun 6 May, 2018

These latest price hikes, on top of cancelled and reduced services, show just how unaffordable and inaccessible buses are becoming. This is not a luxury – public transport is a public service and should not be run for the sake of maximising the profits of a few private companies Ross Greer - MSP

The Scottish Greens are calling for the re-regulation of bus services to protect customers from ongoing price hikes that are making public transport unaffordable and inaccessible.

In response to recent news that First Bus has increased fares by more than 10 per cent on some tickets and scrapped unaccompanied child fares on some routes. Green MSP Ross Greer said: “These latest price hikes, on top of cancelled and reduced services, show just how unaffordable and inaccessible buses are becoming. This is not a luxury – public transport is a public service and should not be run for the sake of maximising the profits of a few private companies.”

People on low incomes, the elderly, students and those unable to drive rely on buses to access vital health services, education and welfare appointments. Our public transport system needs to align itself with the needs of communities and other public services. The Scottish Greens will fight for a joined-up public transport system, integrated ticketing and reliable services at a reasonable cost. The UK is way behind other countries – we’ve let the privateers have control for far too long – it’s time to take buses, and indeed the trains, back into public hands.

North Lanarkshire residents have been further hit by the news that McGills buses are withdrawing vital services from Cumbernauld to Monklands Hospital - do you have a story about local bus issues?  Why not share it with others on our #betterbusses campaign page.

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