"World leader" misses climate targets two years in a row

New figures released by the Scottish Government today show that Scotland failed to meet its Greenhouse gas emission targets in 2016 and 2017.
The failure to meet this legislative target was driven largely by the emissions trading scheme, an arrangement whereby permits are issued to businesses and then traded, but they count towards Scotland’s target regardless.
Scottish Greens Environment and Climate Spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP said:
“The Scottish Government often describes itself as a world leader in tackling climate change, yet these new figures reveal it has much work to do. A climate emergency has been declared and the First Minister has said that everything is up for review, but we need this review to be brought forward as soon as possible so that urgent action is taken to transition to a low carbon economy, particularly in transport, where emissions continue to increase.
“Last week the Deputy First Minister implied that new road projects, which account for an enormous share of Scotland’s transport budget, wouldn’t be part of any policy review. These figures must act as a wake up call, business as usual is no longer acceptable. The Scottish Government needs to urgently accelerate investment in improved public transport and safer walking and cycling routes, to give people a real alternative to the car.”