
Westminster must change gear on poverty

Rising levels of poverty and inequality show the need for change in the way the UK is governed, the Scottish Greens have said.

The Scottish Greens have welcomed the publication of the general election manifesto from the Poverty Alliance, which reveals how policies at Westminster drove inequalities which has left Scotland with over a million Scots in poverty, 240,000 of them children.

Responding, Scottish Green Social Security spokesperson Alison Johnstone said: “I have worked hard with others to ensure the devolved social security system will be more compassionate, but as the Poverty Alliance illustrate, it is Westminster where much of the damage has been done.

“A U-turn on welfare reform from the UK Government, whatever it looks like next month, is required more than ever. It should remove the Two Child Limit, end the Benefit Cap, which can take more than £2,000 a year from our poorest families, and stop the cruel benefits freeze.

“Scottish Greens will fight for a more equal sustainable future, and that starts with dignity for everyone.”

You can read the Poverty Alliance's general election manifesto here.