

Today's reports on wealth inequality in Scotland make the case for the Greens proposal for a wealth tax on the assets of the wealthiest in Scotland.


Government figures confirm that the top 10 per cent of households in Scotland own 44 per cent of all private wealth, while the bottom half of households have just 9 per cent of private wealth in total.


In the corresponding public attitudes survey, 48 per cent of Scots think that taxes and spending should increase, compared to 4 per cent who that they should decrease. 48 per cent also agreed that the government should redistribute money from the rich to the poor.


The Greens have published a new briefing on wealth with details of their proposed tax, which would be charged on individuals with assets worth more that £2.5million.


Alison Johnstone, Green MSP said:


"These figures paint a sad picture of a divided society, and they make the case for a new wealth tax on the richest among us.


"Our proposal would directly address the unacceptable gap between the most and least fortunate in our society. We are a wealthy country with plenty of food and yet inequality is driving thousands of families to food banks. It is very clear that those with assets of several million pounds can afford to contribute a bit more."