
We support repeal of Offensive Behaviour at Football Act & urge clubs to look at strict liability model

Ahead of this afternoon's Stage One vote on the repeal of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act, Green MSPs are urging football clubs to look again at the strict liability model which applies elsewhere in Europe.

John Finnie MSP, Justice spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:

"Time has shown that this legislation is not an effective way to address sectarianism. As the Committee concluded, many of the activities it seeks to tackle are already covered by other legislation. Other measures might be appropriate, and we would be open to looking at them, but the time has come to repeal the Act.

"We must establish what might genuinely start to eliminate sectarianism, whether or not it takes place around football or not. Football does have specific problems which clubs have been unwilling to address, though, so I would urge them to look again at the strict liability model which applies elsewhere in Europe. If clubs might lose points over sectarian incidents that should help deter fans from undermining their teams."