
We need to recognise the value of unpaid care, particularly young carers

Alison Johnstone, Social Security spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Lothian, will this afternoon (9 June) use a Holyrood debate on Disability Benefits to encourage the Scottish Government to pursue the idea of a Young Carer's Allowance.

The allowance was a pledge in the Scottish Greens' manifesto, and the First Minister has stated that she wishes to explore the idea.

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"New devolved powers offer Scotland a chance to chart a different course to that pursued by the Westminster government. We can have a social security system that does just that: provides security. 

"My amendment to today's debate proposed a Scottish system with the rights of the individual at its core. People in need should have a set of clear, defined rights that they can rely on, rather than feel subject to the whims of authorities.

"My amendment also made clear the need to recognise the value to our society of unpaid care, particularly young carers. There are 44,000 carers under the age of 16 in Scotland. A Young Carer's Allowance would be a step towards providing the support they need, and I am encouraged that the Scottish Government are to explore the idea."


Alison Johnstone's amendment, not selected for debate by the Presiding Officer, is here

The government motion is here