
Vigil actor Cal MacAninch lends voice to Scottish Greens

The latest broadcast by the Scottish Greens features ‘Time’, ‘Mr Selfridge’ and ‘Downton Abbey’ actor Cal MacAninch.

MacAninch, who stars in the current police dramas ‘Trigger Point’ and ‘Vigil’, said he endorsed the Scottish Greens local election message ‘Think Global, Act Local’ because of concerns about the climate crisis.

Cal MacAninch said: “I have been moved to support the Scottish Greens by the reports of alarming levels of global warming. The UN put out a warning last week that should be a wake-up call to governments and big business around the world.

“You have to look to your own backyard first, and in Scotland I think we’re lucky to have greens in government putting record investment in things like recycling and banning the worst single-use plastics. We need our local councils on the same page, which is why I’m going to Think Global, Act Local by giving the Scottish Greens my first preference vote in May’s election.”

The election broadcast will be broadcast tonight on BBC One at 18.55 and STV at 18.25.

Photo by Robin Mair Photography