UK must ban Israeli military flights from UK airspace

Following the Scottish Government’s confirmation that Prestwick Airport will no longer host Israeli Air Force planes, the Scottish Greens are calling for all flights connected to the Israeli military to be banned from UK airports and airspace.
According to the party, this should come as part of a comprehensive package of measures to ensure the UK is not complicit in the crime of genocide currently being inflicted on the people of Gaza by Israel. Other measures would include a halt to all UK arms sales to Israel and an end to all cooperation between the British and Israeli militaries.
UK Government statistics, compiled by Campaign Against Arms Trade, show that in the last 10 years the UK has licensed at least £500 million worth of arms to Israel.
Mr Greer said: “Israel is inflicting a genocide on Gaza. It is committing one of the most grotesque war crimes of this century, in full view of the world. By arming and supporting Israeli military forces the UK government has made itself complicit in these atrocities.
“How can anyone look at the collective punishment of the people of Gaza, at the thousands of children murdered and some now starving to death, and decide that it is right for the UK to continue supporting this assault?
“It was utterly wrong for Prestwick Airport to be used in the first place. Given the US airbase it came from, it is extremely likely that the Israeli aircraft which landed there was loaded with more of the weapons being used to bomb Palestinian schools, hospitals and homes.
“I’m glad that, following pressure from the Scottish Greens and other ceasefire campaigners, Israel can no longer use Scotland’s publicly-owned airport. But powers over all airports and airspace lie with the UK government. They must follow Prestwick’s lead in taking action.
“If the UK government has even the slightest concern for the rights and lives of people in Gaza, it will ban Israeli forces from using UK airspace entirely.”
Mr Greer added: “It is vitally important for people across the world to show solidarity with Gaza and that our governments ensure they are in no way complicit in Israel’s genocidal assault. Every one of us, and every business and institution, should consider our role and what we can do to stop the killing.”