
UK Government road and air plans are deeply dangerous

UK Government plans to cut APD and expand roads in Scotland are deeply dangerous and take a wrecking ball to devolution, the Scottish Greens have said.

Ahead of a climate summit in Glasgow which aims to cut world CO2 emissions before it is too late, the UK government is today expected to commit to cutting air passenger duty on domestic flights and widening roads in Scotland, despite transport being a devolved issue.

Commenting, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “With only nine years left before we reach the point of no return in the climate emergency, the UK Government is gambling with our future with this deeply dangerous plan to increase air travel and traffic congestion. It is shocking, just months before Glasgow hosts the world’s biggest climate summit.

“This is a government that already presides over a freeze on fuel duty and eye-watering rises in train and bus fares, and now they want to take a wrecking ball to devolved decisions over transport too, just so they can stick a union flag on a motorway.

“Scottish Greens have had to work hard to stop the Scottish Government making a dangerous cut in air taxes for years. It’s time Scottish ministers showed some more leadership and commit to replacing air passenger duty in Scotland with something that acknowledged the climate emergency, like a frequent flyer levy.

“Our focus instead must be investing in the green infrastructure we need to deliver our climate targets and improve connectivity, such as the Rail for All plans published by the Scottish Greens earlier this year.”